Printed books

This Reading Life: Fergal Gaynor For each of the seven days of National Library Week 2015 the River-side blog will host responses from a group of...

This Reading Life: Sheila Mannix For each of the seven days of National Library Week 2015 the River-side blog will host responses from a group of seven...

This Reading Life: Raymond Deane For each of the seven days of National Library Week 2015 the River-side blog will host responses from a group of...

This Reading Life: Paul Tiernan For each of the seven days of National Library Week 2015 the River-side blog will host responses from a group of...

This Reading Life: Trevor Joyce For each of the seven days of National Library Week 2015 the River-side blog will host responses from a group of...

This Reading Life: Judy Kravis For each of the seven days of National Library Week 2015 the River-side blog will host responses from a group of...

Curated by Fergal Gaynor For each of the seven days of National Library Week 2015 the River-side blog will host responses from a group of...

When the summer comes I like to think of what I can read – not what I should be reading but what I want to...

Stylized black dragon on a green binding.

I’m interested in what can fill an exhibition case as a stand-alone display. I was recently watching Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey and...

Bust of Dante's head with 'Dante' written on his torso.

To complement the current exhibition in UCC Library, Dante Alighieri Inferno: A Suite of Lithographs by Liam Ó Broin, Special Collections has organised a selection of...

Special Collections & Archives , UCC.

11am - 4.30pm, Monday to Friday and Until 7.15pm on Wednesdays

Boole Library

UCC Library University College Cork Cork Ireland T12 ND89