Munster Printing Collection

Welcome to the first post in a new series of blog posts: … from The River-side. This series will tie into the themed displays on...

Student Exhibition, MA in Medieval History Images as Narratives: Mosaics in St Francis Church, Cork The figural mosaics in St Francis Church depict different scenes,...

Student Exhibition, MA in Medieval History Beggars and Artisans: Styles and Stained Glass Architecture and iconography of the modern St Francis Church in Cork merge...

Student Exhibition, MA in Medieval History Beggars and Artisans: Architecture of the Modern Church of St Francis Nearly four hundred years after the dissolution of...

Student Exhibition, MA in Medieval History Beggars and Artisans: A Lost Medieval Friary Historical maps of Cork city give a clear indication about the location...

Student Exhibition, MA in Medieval History Beggars and Artisans: Franciscan Friars in Cork: From Their Arrival to the Dissolution The early thirteenth century saw dramatic...

Student Exhibition, MA in Medieval History Introduction: MA in Medieval History, HI6091 Module and Special Collections at University College Cork Special Collections is delighted to...

Advertisement for Donaldsons Camera House listing what they sell.

Special Collections has brought together material from UCC Library collections around the theme of photography to complement ‘Spectrum’, an exhibition of photographs by Stefania Sapio...

Special Collections & Archives , UCC.

11am - 4.30pm, Monday to Friday and Until 7.15pm on Wednesdays

Boole Library

UCC Library University College Cork Cork Ireland T12 ND89