Luttrell Psalter

Student Exhibition, MA in Medieval History The Luttrell Psalter and the Office of the Dead Themes of power and nobility present throughout the Luttrell Psalter...

Student Exhibition, MA in Medieval History ­Geoffrey’s Feast The image of Sir Geoffrey Luttrell appears for the second time in the Psalter on folio 208r,...

Student Exhibition, MA in Medieval History Sir Geoffrey Luttrell in His Psalter Sir Geoffrey Luttrell (1276-1345), who gives the Psalter its name, is represented as...

Student Exhibition, MA in Medieval History What is a Psalter? The Psalter is a collection of one-hundred-and-fifty Psalms, written in verse and traditionally attributed to...

Student Exhibition, MA in Medieval History Introduction: MA in Medieval History, HI6091 module and Special Collections at University College Cork Special Collections is delighted to...

Special Collections & Archives , UCC.

11am - 4.30pm, Monday to Friday and Until 7.15pm on Wednesdays

Boole Library

UCC Library University College Cork Cork Ireland T12 ND89